We make it our business
Law of persons and familiy law
Durnez Advocaten has broad knowledge and practical experience concerning the follow-up and handling of the various aspects of family law.
You can count on us for questions and procedures concerning:
- Status of the person – nationality and residence
- Legal capacity and collocation
- Improvement / change of forename and family name
- Protection of privacy and GDPR
- Relationship by blood and marriage
- Descent and adoption
- Parental authority and visitation rights
- Marriage, cohabitation and divorce
- Alimony between former partners and child support
- …………
We have built up a host of experience in both purely Belgian procedure and cross-border cases.
Published case law
- Justice of the Peace of Westerlo dated 15/12/00, Rechtskundig Weekblad 01-02, 1037 (artificial application of urgent and temporary measures)
- Brussels dated 26/11/13, Rechtskundig Weekblad 14-15, 266 and Tijdschrift voor Familierecht 2014, 225, note by K. Vereecke (summary proceeding – administration)
- Rb. District Family Court of Leuven dated 02/10/2019, Rechtskundig Weekblad 2020-21, 830 (personal contact of grandparents – interest of the child)
Brussels (3rd division) no. 2008/KR/174, 12 May 2009, Rev.trim.dr.fam. 2011 (summary), issue 1, 236; TBBR 2010, issue 6, 283, note by HEPS, R., Bescherming van de band tussen broers en zussen bij en na vaststelling van de verblijfsregeling [Protection of the relationship between brothers and sisters during and after determination of the residency arrangement], in TBBR 2010, issue 6, 286-293